NAVI Awards Partners
About the Prize
NAVI Awards is an initiative of NAVI AI New Ventures that seeks to discover startups and researchers in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with potential innovators capable of impacting the market and society. The objective is to bring companies and institutions from different segments together with startups and researchers to solve the various business problems with the use of AI.
Check out the winners of this edition!

Early Stage Startups
Businesses in an early stage of growth that have the application of AI in their products and services as a differential.
Prerequisite: CNPJ constituted and billing of up to BRL 500,000.00 / year.

Academics and researchers working in the field of Artificial Intelligence.
Prerequisite: Project(s) developed or in progress at the academy (Undergraduate, Masters or Doctorate).
The five finalists of the categories will participate in the winners' announcement event with wide media exposure; will have the opportunity to get closer to the NAVI business partner network, as well as the possibility to participate in the NAVI Venture Studio Program and the Bayer LifeHub Program!
The winners of each category will also receive another R$ 10,000 (ten thousand reais) to bring their projects to life!
BRL 10,000.00
NAVI Partners Network
Possibility of participation in the NAVI Program
Possibility of participation in the LifeHub Program
Registration Period (09/09/21 to 11/15/21);
Summons of the five finalists of each category to Pitchday (26/11/21 );
Pitchday and announcement of winners (26/11/21).
Write it down in your diary!
The event with the declaration of the winners took place on 11/26 on the PUCRS Youtube channel at 10 am!
Green Motor
Eduardo Kautz Menda
Exemplaria Solutions
Carla Sampaio
Natalia Moraes do Nascimento
Gabriel Milman
Márcio Pereira
João Otávio Bandeira Diniz
Application of AI and Computer Vision for COVID-19
Marcelo Finger
Application of AI for Respiratory Failure
Robson Fernandes da Silva
New Methods for Composing Machine Learning Models
Lucas Venezian Povoa
Machine Learning for Cancer Treatment
Ailton Jose Rodrigues
See the full material!
Read the Regulation by clicking here.